How it works

our proprietary technology allows us do to what other can't: provide digital twins that behave like the real world. This allows you to understand & even predict the behavior of complex systems.

making the model

We derive behavioral models from imagery (drone, satellite, lidar, and/or radar), yield data, and other reliable sources of information about the behavior of species and things.

BEHAVIORAL relationship platform

This is the infrastructure of the models. Everything - tree, plant, building, etc. - in your model is a node and each node is a unique behavioral AI that relates to other nodes. When the behavior of one node changes (e.g. a plant stops growing due to disease), the potential effects on other nodes can be predicted based on the the emergent behavior of the system.  


We do AI completely different than traditional style AI. Our AI is based on Nature. In our models, AI is not an add-on but rather an integral part of the entire system.